The first of the five days was almost entirely eastward, with a light headwind but high humidity and temperatures in the high 80's. We had a great route in one sense, as all but 5 of the 50 miles were on paved back roads with almost no traffic. Literally saw only 20 cars going in either direction! But be careful what you wish for, as they say. The day is a blur of corn fields and soy fields, soy fields and corn fields. Going through no towns, we went past no town parks with rest rooms and water fountains, no cozy town cafes. Luckily we had chilled some cans of V-8 to supplement our two water bottles each, and made it with an improvised stop along the roadway to gulp down our juice, bananas and grapes. In short, we did the whole 50 miles before we had a real lunch.
The next day started in McDonough County, where we utilized the Chamber of Commerce's Historic Barn Tours brochure we had mailed to us last Spring. We routed ourselves past a half-dozen of the 3 dozen featured in the brochure, and are happy to share with you three that were our favorites: the Flack Barn (1900), the Redman Barn (1895) and the King Barn (1898). All three were in the cross-gable style that is apparently common here. Don't recall ever seeing it elsewhere.
Not in the brochure but also interesting was this round barn along another of our back roads.
The highlight of day 3 was the destination, Aunt Daisy's Bed & Breakfast in Kewanee IL. We received as warm a welcome as any one of our own aunts could have given us, starting with the invite to put our heat-and-humidity-drenched bike clothes in a bag outside our room while we showered so innkeeper Michelle could pop them in the washer/dryer! We walked past the dining room with its impressive woodwork and up the carved staircase to a spacious bedroom where we later enjoyed one of the best night's sleep this trip.
Day 5 started with a nervous review of every ten minutes as we watched a storm pass north of us. It was a Big Deal in Chicago, where it left 800,000 people without power for a few days, but it just missed the small town where we were. The road didn't even get wet there. At 9:30 all danger appeared to be gone for at least 2-3 hours, so we made a dash for it. Lucky for us, the weather front was pulling the wind in the exact direction we were headed, and with our 10-15 mph tailwind we covered the 50 miles in less than 3 1/2 hours, 45 minutes of which were water, snack and potty stops. Hooray, 4 consecutive nights in the same place, Starved Rock State Park!
You can look quite a ways to the east from the top of the rock, up the Illinois River. We'll be following the Illinois in that direction for a full day when we leave. To be more precise, we'll be following the Illinois and Michigan Canal, which follows the Illinois. It's somewhere over there on the north bank, and we'll tell you more about it after we've ridden it.
There's so much vertical sightseeing to be done, you could hurt your neck, such as the very impressive Council Overhang, which could shelter the population of a small town underneath. In one of the narrower canyons we looked up to see the roots of tall trees 90-100 above us!
Of course, all that nature meant a bit of hiking. Lucky for us, a cool front came in and for our second and third days there we had low humidity and highs in the 70s, something we haven't experienced since leaving Seattle a month ago. Plus there were well-maintained trails with surprises around every corner. Of course with bluffs you are likely to have a few stairs to climb . . . On our sixth or seventh climb like this we actually counted stairsteps, and got up to 155. Seems our "rest" days keep going this way.
However, it was in our cozy cabin in the woods that we had our most interesting wildlife adventure. In our cabin with its air conditioner turned off and its windows open for the first time of the trip.
We had seen quite a few raccoons and been warned that they were prolific, so when Jeff got awakened at 3 a.m. by what sounded like scratching on the window screens, the first thing he thought of was that raccoons were trying to break in to raid our stash of energy bars and mixed nuts. He stumbled around to find his cell phone and turn on its flashlight, but heard no more and saw nothing inside or outside the window. Of course by this time Louise was also bright eyed, though not so very bushy-tailed.
We had both finally started to resume something like sleep when at 4 a.m. we both heard it again. Stumbled around again, saw nothing with the flashlight so decided to close up the windows to keep the coons from trying a third assault.
Well, thanks to a strong zipper on the rack trunk where all the edibles got stashed at 5:02 a.m., we and they survived the night. We're happy to report that we and our little stash of food are now en route to Chicago. Three more days of riding and we get to see grandson Cedro, Louise's son Brian and his wife Ardy, and Jeff's daughter Becky who arranged to visit Chicago while we're there. We'll tell you about our mini family reunion in our next blog.
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