As you can see from the map, this 50-mile-wide section of the coast of Maine has an amazing network of rivers, bays, estuaries and more, perfect for exploring by canoe or kayak. We've described 4 1/2 weeks there in our last three blog entries. We'll wrap up our adventures over the next 2 1/2 weeks in today's posting: a week in Harpswell (#6 on the map), a return to Back River Bend for a second week there (#7), and 3 nights in a different part of Harpswell (#8a). We had plans to stay in the area two more nights (#8b), but a huge rainstorm was headed our way, so we cancelled that booking, took off early for Portland, and beat the rain by a few hours. We'll save Portland for our next blog entry.
Picking places to stay from internet write-ups and photos is
always a hit-or-miss proposition. The
photos and descriptions are usually accurate enough. It's what isn't pictured or discussed, or
that you didn't know about, that catches you.
Our next place actually surprised us as being more attractive than the
photos on It was quite charming.
But once again, we didn't ask how one launches the canoe or
kayaks that come with the place. And
once again, it was from the shore, not from a dock (the dock pictured below is the next door neighbor's, and actually even he has a problem at low tide). At least this time, we only had to avoid two
hours either side of low tide.
On our first day there, the wind was so strong we biked south to Cundy's
Harbor and the scenic old Holbrook's Store, then canoed there the next
day when the winds were kinder. It's a nice run, and the afternoon tailwind from the SW
back was pleasant.
Our other ride took us down long thin necks of land to see two of
Harpswell's sights, the Cribstone Bridge and the Giant's Staircase. The bridge is one-of-a-kind, designed to let lots
of water pass through the bridge as well as under the main opening, as tides
can be strong in this channel. Without
the cribbing, water would pile up against a traditional embankment and make the
current too fast in the channel for boats to negotiate. A restaurant next to the bridge served us a wonderful lobster salad and fried oysters to enjoy while watching the boat traffic pass under the bridge.
The Giant's Staircase is yet another bold outcropping of rock
along the shore. We've seen lots and
lots of rugged, rocky coastline from our canoes, so the main distinction of
this one really seems to be its easy access from a walking path. We've put Louise's shoe in there to help
illustrate the fine design in the rock.
We wondered what our return to Back River Bend would be like,
this time without our friends Louise and Masaharu. Would it be a week of "been there, done
that"? As it turned out, not at
all. The week in Harpswell had seen our least helpful winds. This week made up for it in spades, and we
ended up canoeing an amazing 72 miles!
For the first three days, we had light winds each morning, and
those afternoon onshore winds topped out at only 6-8 mph. Since low tide was at roughly 11 am, noon and
1pm those three days, we had the absolutely perfect conditions for paddling
south each morning down the Back River and then further down the Kennebec. At first our goal was simply to reach Perkins
Island, whose lighthouse we had seen in the distance the week before. When we reached the Kennebec, the current was
2-3 knots heading down to the ocean, and the water was remarkably calm. Before we knew it, Perkins Island was behind
us and the enormous Civil War fortress of Fort Popham was in sight. It was on the opposite side of the
half-mile-wide and powerful river, but by starting our crossing early we easily
made it. WOW! 7 1/2 miles, and relatively easy thanks to
the light winds and the tidal currents.
We enjoyed our picnic lunches and explored the fort, which was built out of concern the Confederate Navy would attack the major shipbuilding city of Bath, ten miles upstream. As with so many military projects, it was waaaay more than was needed, and in any event we doubt a Confederate boat ever got within 100 miles of the place. It was never completed, even though it also saw some service in the First World War. In the view from the roof, you can see Perkins Island in the distance, two miles upstream.
Day two was more of the same, but this time we brought our wallet and had lunch at a restaurant right next to the beach, plus did a long walk along the beach. There is an island just offshore that you can walk, or more precisely wade to, at low tide. The tide had just turned, and folks were streaming back. Across the mouth of the Kennebec was Georgetown and a handsome collection of homes.
On the way back upstream we floated close to the Perkins Island
lighthouse. Built in 1898, it and the
keeper's house have been vacant since 1959, when the light was automated.
Our return to Back River Bend was a success. We enjoyed a slightly different view of the
salt marshes nearby, and lucked out with the weather to do the most intensive
canoeing we've ever done. This may just be the week
that moves us to make a return trip to the coast of Maine sooner rather than
later. Check back with us in a year!
We'll finish up with our return to Harpswell, though to a very different part of it. On the way there we crossed the Kennebec at Bath, past that osprey nest we showed you 3 blog posts ago, the one that goes up and down on a railroad drawbridge. The baby was now an adolescent in bird years, and showed it by taking a mid-day nap. He straightened out the plastic bag he seems to have made into his mattress pad, and caught 40 winks.
Our final mid-coast destination was the Quahog Bay Inn. It started life as a group of apartments for folks working at the Brunswick Naval Air Station, ten miles away. After that closed a few years ago, the owners remodeled it into vacation apartments. It was an attractive, spacious place where we could eat our meals overlooking Quahog Bay. The owner is also a lobsterman, and you can tell the office what size lobster you want, and it's delivered to you at 5 pm, cooked!
On day one we found a perfect little pocket beach on a publicly
owned island where we had our picnic lunch.
It was so perfect, we found ourselves back there at lunchtime the next
day. That night was the Super Moon, the
full moon that coincided with the lunar perigee, or closest distance from
earth for 2014. Can't say that we could tell it
was noticeably larger than other full moons we've seen, but there are few that
have charmed us so much with their setting.
As noted above, our weather luck was about to run out, and we scooted off to Portland two days early to avoid a major rainstorm. We'll tell you what happened in our next entry. Stay tuned!